Free book weekend: 8th-9th June

Hello readers! This weekend, all my books will be FREE on Amazon (find them here). The Starlit Ship trilogy consists of three science fiction thrillers set in the far future on a distant planet, centuries after it was colonised by humans. These books explore the environmental and political consequences of a giant, unexplained ship arriving … Continue reading Free book weekend: 8th-9th June

Event Horizon (1997) is better than I expected

Hello readers! I recently watched Event Horizon, a science-fiction horror film from 1997. It has been largely forgotten, and a quick Google search unearths a host of unflattering reviews. The film was received poorly by critics and was a box office flop – and it didn’t make much of an impact on popular culture. However, … Continue reading Event Horizon (1997) is better than I expected

I built some Lego.

Hello readers! As anticipated, the frequency of blog posts has been declining as I write up my PhD thesis. All the drafting, re-drafting, writing, editing, re-writing, and re-editing has left my literary batteries running a little low – which is why I have been craving mind-numbing, semi-productive activities to fill the hours when I’m not … Continue reading I built some Lego.

Six-minute summary: Mary Shelley

Hello readers! This week’s six-minute summary is of a science fiction author rather than a scientist. Mary Shelley is most famous for writing Frankenstein, which is widely viewed as the first science fiction novel (although the definition of science fiction is up for debate). Frankenstein’s monster is one of the most famous literary characters in … Continue reading Six-minute summary: Mary Shelley

Progress Update: April 2024

Hello readers! It’s time for another progress update – and for a big thank you. Last weekend I reached a major milestone: over 1000 of my books have been downloaded from the Kindle store. Even though this book-writing business is just a hobby of mine, this still feels like something worth celebrating. We’re still in … Continue reading Progress Update: April 2024

Free book weekend: 30th March-1st April

Hello readers! From Saturday to Monday, all my books will be FREE on Amazon (find them here). The Starlit Ship trilogy consists of three science fiction thrillers set in the far future on a distant planet, centuries after it was colonised by humans. These books explore the environmental and political consequences of a giant, unexplained … Continue reading Free book weekend: 30th March-1st April