Free book weekend: 8th-9th June

Free book weekend 8th-9th June promotional image: photo of Lake District with thumbnail book covers

Hello readers! This weekend, all my books will be FREE on Amazon (find them here). The Starlit Ship trilogy consists of three science fiction thrillers set in the far future on a distant planet, centuries after it was colonised by humans. These books explore the environmental and political consequences of a giant, unexplained ship arriving in orbit. I also have a second series, Highmoor, which is traditional high fantasy. The first two books are out (the third will be released soon – stay tuned for updates), and they follow the adventures of three brothers caught up in a conflict between the nations bordering their forest home. It has political scheming, an intricate magic system, non-conventional witches and mind-reading dragons, so if any of that piques your interest, make the most of the free book weekend!

For more information, visit my author bio or my Amazon Author page.

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