Highmoor series


Highmoor is the first book in a high fantasy series that I have been working on since 2019. It is a totally different universe and genre to The Starlit Ship – and quite a bit darker. If you’re looking for a fresh take on wizard magic, the persecution of witches, or telepathic connections with dragons, then give it a read. The second book, Sylvre, has now been published (June 2023), and the third and fourth instalments are on the way.


It is said that Gods once walked this world. Having shaped its lands and tamed its skies, they lived alongside its people – until one day, their powers waned, and they faded from existence. The world entered an age of darkness, bereft of its guiding deities. Without their protection, civilisations crumbled under a tide of foul creatures, sent by Eldingar of the underworld. Witches swept across the northern lands, and only one country was able to withstand them: the windswept nation of Highmoor.

Millennia have passed, yet Highmoor remains the stronghold of the north. Its people are ruled by wizards, able to twist the fabric of reality with their magic – bending the Gods’ world to their will. However, their power seems to be fading. Witches are gaining territory, and tensions are growing with their southern neighbour, Nettlewick.

Caught in the crossfire are three brothers, forced from their secluded forest home by the sudden death of their foster father. They soon become embroiled in politics they never knew existed, and come to realise that their pasts are somehow tied to the events unfolding around them. Clearly, their foster father kept secrets. But why did he raise them in hiding? Why did he lie about their origins? And now that they have returned to civilisation, can they save Highmoor from impending disaster?

Link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0BGCRWBTH


Far from Highmoor, the cogs of great schemes are starting to turn. The calamitous events that shook the small, upland nation have caught the attention of strategists in the eastern empire, and powerful players want to draw Eddie, Norbert, Joseph and Nia into their game. Tensions are building between the human and elvish territories, and the sudden reappearance of the heir to the Sylvre throne means that an ancient kingdom might finally be reclaimed.

The wizards of Highmoor have no choice but to be swept along by the tide. They are steered by forces beyond their control – manipulated by nations far more powerful than themselves. Our tale travels east across the mountains, far beyond the windswept moors and ancient forests. While the mightiest nations may be absorbed by plotting and conflict, deeper powers are stirring – going unnoticed by all but a few. The Sylvre Kingdom is just a tipping point, and the world is on the cusp of changing forever.

Link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sylvre-Highmoor-Book-C-Clayton-ebook/dp/B0C7LVH17V