Post Archive

About the blog

Hello readers! Welcome to the blog. This is where I make weekly posts about all manner of things broadly (and less broadly) related to my work. Follow this blog to get updates on works in progress, the publication of new books, and for book promotions, such as regular “free book weekends” for older works. Eventually, this will also be the home for maps from my books – although I’m looking for a way to present these in a more engaging format.

What else happens here? I write reviews for books, films and games in the genres of science fiction and fantasy, and will occasionally write long posts about my visits to interesting parts of the world. If you’re looking for something more educational, see the “Six-minute Summaries”, where I give brief but entertaining overviews of the lives and achievements of various historical figures (usually scientists). Finally, a relatively new addition to the mix is the “Clayton Calculates” series, where I use maths and science to pick apart the physical inaccuracies presented in science fiction and fantasy media. Happy reading!

Posts organised by theme:

Posts organised by month:

(If you’re wondering why February has so many posts, this is because the blog moved house around this time. All the old posts moved to the new site, and the blog has actually been around since November 2022!)